Gravity Perks Advanced Calculations free download

Gravity Perks Advanced Calculations free download
Gravity Perks Advanced Calculations free download

Gravity Perks Advanced Calculations: Empowering Your Gravity Forms with Complex Calculations


Gravity Forms, a popular WordPress plugin for creating powerful forms, offers a wide range of add-ons to extend its functionality. One such add-on, Gravity Perks Advanced Calculations, empowers you to perform complex calculations within your forms, making them more dynamic and informative.

Key Features of Gravity Perks Advanced Calculations

  1. Custom Calculation Formulas:
    • Flexible Formulas: Create custom formulas using mathematical operators, variables, and functions to calculate various values.
    • Conditional Logic: Combine calculations with conditional logic to create dynamic and adaptive forms.
    • Custom Field Integration: Integrate calculations with custom fields to perform calculations based on user-entered data.
  2. Calculation Display:
    • Dynamic Updates: Display calculated values in real-time as users interact with the form.
    • Custom Formatting: Format calculated values according to your preferences, including currency symbols, decimal places, and units.
    • Conditional Visibility: Show or hide calculated values based on specific conditions.
  3. Integration with Other Gravity Forms Features:
    • Conditional Logic: Combine calculations with Gravity Forms’ conditional logic to create complex workflows.
    • Product Fields: Integrate calculations with Gravity Forms’ product fields to calculate totals, discounts, and taxes.
    • Notifications: Trigger notifications based on calculated values, such as when a total exceeds a certain threshold.
  4. Data Validation:
    • Input Validation: Validate user input to ensure that calculations are performed correctly.
    • Error Handling: Provide informative error messages to guide users in case of invalid input or calculation errors.
  5. Performance Optimization:
    • Efficient Calculations: Optimize your calculations for performance to avoid delays.
    • Caching: Implement caching to improve performance for frequently used calculations.
    • Error Handling: Handle errors gracefully to prevent unexpected behavior.

How to Use Gravity Perks Advanced Calculations

  1. Installation and Activation:
    • Download and install the Gravity Perks Advanced Calculations add-on from the Gravity Perks website or WordPress repository.
    • Activate the add-on in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Create a New Form or Edit an Existing Form:
    • Go to the Forms section in your WordPress dashboard and create a new form or edit an existing one.
  3. Add Calculation Fields:
    • Use the Gravity Perks Advanced Calculations interface to add calculation fields to your form.
  4. Create Calculation Formulas:
    • Define the formulas for your calculations using mathematical operators, variables, and custom functions.
  5. Configure Display Options:
    • Customize how calculated values are displayed, including formatting, visibility, and conditional logic.
  6. Test and Preview:
    • Preview your form to ensure that calculations are performed correctly and values are displayed as expected.

Benefits of Using Gravity Perks Advanced Calculations

  • Enhanced Form Functionality: Add dynamic and informative elements to your forms by performing complex calculations.
  • Improved User Experience: Provide a more engaging and interactive experience for users by displaying calculated values in real-time.
  • Increased Form Efficiency: Automate calculations and reduce manual data entry.
  • Data Validation: Ensure data accuracy and prevent errors by validating user input.
  • Versatility: Use calculations for a wide range of purposes, such as calculating totals, discounts, taxes, or custom values.

Additional Considerations

  • Complexity: Be mindful of the complexity of your calculations to avoid performance issues.
  • User Experience: Ensure that calculations are performed efficiently and that results are displayed in a clear and understandable manner.
  • Data Validation: Implement robust data validation to prevent errors and ensure accurate calculations.
  • Testing: Thoroughly test your forms with advanced calculations to verify that they function as intended.


Gravity Perks Advanced Calculations is a powerful add-on that can significantly enhance the functionality and user experience of your Gravity Forms. By performing complex calculations within your forms, you can provide more informative and dynamic content, automate tasks, and improve data accuracy. Whether you need to calculate totals, discounts, taxes, or custom values, Gravity Perks Advanced Calculations offers the tools you need to achieve your goals.

Gravity Perks Advanced Calculations free download