Gravity Perks Entry Blocks free dowmload

Gravity Perks Entry Blocks free dowmload
Gravity Perks Entry Blocks free dowmload

Gravity Perks Entry Blocks: Building Dynamic and Interactive Forms


Gravity Forms, a popular WordPress plugin for creating powerful forms, offers a wide range of add-ons to extend its functionality. One such add-on, Gravity Perks Entry Blocks, empowers you to create dynamic and interactive forms by allowing you to display entries from other forms within your current form. This feature opens up new possibilities for creating complex workflows, personalized experiences, and engaging content.

Key Features of Gravity Perks Entry Blocks

  1. Entry Block Creation:
    • Select Source Form: Choose the form whose entries you want to display within your current form.
    • Filter Entries: Filter entries based on various criteria, such as date, status, or custom fields.
    • Display Options: Customize how the entries are displayed, including layout, formatting, and visibility.
  2. Conditional Logic:
    • Dynamic Display: Show or hide entry blocks based on user input or other conditions.
    • Conditional Content: Display different content within entry blocks based on specific criteria.
    • Complex Workflows: Create complex workflows by combining entry blocks with conditional logic.
  3. Entry Block Customization:
    • Template Customization: Customize the appearance of entry blocks using HTML, CSS, or shortcodes.
    • Field Mapping: Map fields from the source form to fields in the current form for seamless integration.
    • Dynamic Content: Display dynamic content from the source form, such as user names, email addresses, or custom field values.
  4. Performance Optimization:
    • Caching: Improve performance by caching entry data and reducing database queries.
    • Lazy Loading: Load entry blocks only when they are needed, enhancing page load times.
    • Bulk Actions: Perform bulk actions on multiple entry blocks for efficient management.
  5. Integration with Other Gravity Forms Features:
    • Conditional Logic: Combine entry blocks with Gravity Forms’ conditional logic for more complex workflows.
    • Notifications: Trigger notifications based on entry block events, such as when a new entry is added or updated.
    • Feeds: Export entries from entry blocks to feeds for integration with other applications.

How to Use Gravity Perks Entry Blocks

  1. Installation and Activation:
    • Download and install the Gravity Perks Entry Blocks add-on from the Gravity Perks website or WordPress repository.
    • Activate the add-on in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Create a New Form or Edit an Existing Form:
    • Go to the Forms section in your WordPress dashboard and create a new form or edit an existing one.
  3. Add an Entry Block:
    • Use the Entry Blocks field type to add an entry block to your form.
    • Select the source form and configure the display options.
  4. Configure Conditional Logic (if applicable):
    • Use conditional logic to control the visibility or content of entry blocks based on user input or other conditions.
  5. Test and Preview:
    • Preview your form to ensure the entry blocks are displaying correctly and functioning as expected.

Benefits of Using Gravity Perks Entry Blocks

  • Enhanced User Experience: Create more dynamic and interactive forms by displaying relevant content based on user input.
  • Improved Workflow Efficiency: Streamline processes by automating tasks and reducing manual data entry.
  • Personalized Experiences: Provide personalized experiences for users by tailoring form content based on their preferences.
  • Increased Engagement: Keep users engaged by displaying relevant and interesting content.
  • Versatility: Use entry blocks for a variety of purposes, such as displaying related products, creating personalized recommendations, or providing additional information.

Additional Considerations

  • Performance Optimization: Be mindful of performance when using multiple entry blocks or displaying large amounts of data.
  • Data Privacy: Ensure that you are handling user data in compliance with relevant privacy regulations.
  • Testing: Thoroughly test your forms with entry blocks to ensure they function as intended and provide a positive user experience.
  • Customization: Leverage the customization options provided by Gravity Perks Entry Blocks to create unique and visually appealing forms.


Gravity Perks Entry Blocks is a powerful add-on that expands the capabilities of Gravity Forms, allowing you to create dynamic and interactive forms. By displaying entries from other forms within your current form, you can provide personalized experiences, improve workflow efficiency, and enhance user engagement. Whether you need to create complex workflows, display related content, or automate tasks, Gravity Perks Entry Blocks offers the tools you need to achieve your goals.

Gravity Perks Entry Blocks free dowmload