Gravity Perks Gravity Forms Conditional Pricing free download

Gravity Perks Gravity Forms Conditional Pricing free download
Gravity Perks Gravity Forms Conditional Pricing free download

Gravity Perks Conditional Pricing: Dynamic Pricing for Your Gravity Forms


Gravity Forms, a popular WordPress plugin for creating powerful forms, offers a wide range of add-ons to extend its functionality. One such add-on, Gravity Perks Conditional Pricing, empowers you to dynamically adjust product or service prices based on user input, providing a more personalized and engaging experience for your customers.

Key Features of Gravity Perks Conditional Pricing

  1. Conditional Price Adjustments:
    • Dynamic Pricing: Adjust prices based on user-selected options, such as product attributes, quantities, or custom fields.
    • Real-time Updates: Display updated prices in real-time as users interact with the form.
    • Multiple Price Adjustments: Apply multiple price adjustments based on different conditions.
  2. Price Calculation Formulas:
    • Custom Formulas: Create custom price calculation formulas using mathematical operators and variables.
    • Discount Calculations: Implement discounts based on specific criteria, such as quantity, coupon codes, or membership levels.
    • Tax Calculations: Automatically calculate and apply taxes based on the user’s location or product category.
  3. Price Display Options:
    • Price Formatting: Customize the way prices are displayed, including currency symbols, decimal places, and separators.
    • Price Labels: Add custom labels or descriptions to price fields for clarity.
    • Price Visibility: Show or hide prices based on specific conditions.
  4. Integration with Other Gravity Forms Features:
    • Conditional Logic: Combine conditional pricing with Gravity Forms’ conditional logic for more complex scenarios.
    • Product Fields: Integrate with Gravity Forms’ product fields for dynamic pricing based on product attributes.
    • Calculations: Perform calculations on other form fields to influence pricing.
  5. Performance Optimization:
    • Efficient Calculations: Ensure that price calculations are performed efficiently to avoid delays.
    • Caching: Implement caching to improve performance for frequently used calculations.
    • Error Handling: Provide informative error messages to guide users in case of invalid input or calculation errors.

How to Use Gravity Perks Conditional Pricing

  1. Installation and Activation:
    • Download and install the Gravity Perks Conditional Pricing add-on from the Gravity Perks website or WordPress repository.
    • Activate the add-on in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Create a New Form or Edit an Existing Form:
    • Go to the Forms section in your WordPress dashboard and create a new form or edit an existing one.
  3. Add Price Fields:
    • Add price fields to your form, such as product price or service fee fields.
  4. Configure Conditional Pricing:
    • Use the Conditional Pricing settings to define the conditions under which prices should be adjusted.
    • Create custom price calculation formulas and specify the desired price formatting.
  5. Test and Preview:
    • Preview your form to ensure that prices are being calculated and displayed correctly based on user input.
    • Test different scenarios to verify the accuracy of your conditional pricing rules.

Benefits of Using Gravity Perks Conditional Pricing

  • Enhanced User Experience: Provide a more personalized experience by dynamically adjusting prices based on user choices.
  • Increased Conversions: Encourage more purchases by offering competitive pricing and discounts.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: Meet customer expectations by providing transparent and accurate pricing information.
  • Flexibility: Create complex pricing structures to accommodate various business models and products.
  • Time-Saving: Automate price calculations and reduce manual data entry.

Additional Considerations

  • Currency Conversion: If you sell to customers in multiple countries, consider integrating currency conversion functionality.
  • Tax Calculations: Ensure that your pricing calculations accurately account for applicable taxes.
  • User Experience: Provide clear and concise information about price adjustments to avoid confusion.
  • Testing: Thoroughly test your forms with conditional pricing to ensure that calculations are accurate and the user experience is seamless.
  • Performance Optimization: Optimize your form’s performance to ensure that price calculations are carried out efficiently.


Gravity Perks Conditional Pricing is a powerful add-on that can significantly enhance the functionality and user experience of your Gravity Forms. By dynamically adjusting prices based on user input, you can create more personalized and engaging forms that drive conversions and improve customer satisfaction. Whether you’re selling products, services, or subscriptions, Gravity Perks Conditional Pricing offers the tools you need to implement effective pricing strategies.

Gravity Perks Gravity Forms Conditional Pricing free download