Gravity Perks Randomizer free download

Gravity Perks Randomizer free download
Gravity Perks Randomizer free download

Gravity Perks Randomizer: Adding an Element of Chance to Your Forms


Gravity Forms, a popular WordPress plugin for creating powerful forms, offers a wide range of add-ons to extend its functionality. One such add-on, Gravity Perks Randomizer, introduces an element of chance and excitement to your forms by allowing you to randomize fields, choices, or even the entire form order.

Key Features of Gravity Perks Randomizer

  1. Randomize Fields:
    • Field Order Randomization: Shuffle the order of fields within a form to create a unique experience for each user.
    • Field Visibility Randomization: Display or hide fields randomly, making your forms more dynamic and engaging.
  2. Randomize Choices:
    • Choice Order Randomization: Randomize the order of choices within a select, radio, or checkbox field.
    • Choice Visibility Randomization: Hide or show choices randomly, creating a sense of surprise and anticipation.
  3. Randomize Form Order:
    • Form Page Order Randomization: Shuffle the order of pages within a multi-page form.
    • Form Field Order Randomization: Randomize the order of fields across all pages of a multi-page form.
  4. Conditional Logic:
    • Conditional Randomization: Combine randomization with conditional logic to create more complex and personalized experiences.
    • Target Specific Fields or Choices: Randomize only certain fields or choices based on user input or other conditions.
  5. Customization Options:
    • Seed Value: Set a seed value to control the randomness and ensure consistent results for testing or debugging.
    • Randomization Frequency: Determine how often fields, choices, or form order should be randomized.

How to Use Gravity Perks Randomizer

  1. Installation and Activation:
    • Download and install the Gravity Perks Randomizer add-on from the Gravity Perks website or WordPress repository.
    • Activate the add-on in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Create a New Form or Edit an Existing Form:
    • Go to the Forms section in your WordPress dashboard and create a new form or edit an existing one.
  3. Add Randomization to Fields or Choices:
    • Use the Randomizer settings within the field editor to configure randomization options.
    • Choose whether to randomize the field order, choice order, or field visibility.
  4. Set Conditional Logic (if applicable):
    • Use conditional logic to specify when randomization should occur based on user input or other conditions.
  5. Test and Preview:
    • Preview your form to ensure the randomization is working as expected.
    • Test the form with different user inputs to verify the conditional logic.

Benefits of Using Gravity Perks Randomizer

  • Enhanced User Experience: Create more engaging and interactive forms by introducing an element of chance.
  • Increased Engagement: Keep users interested and coming back for more by offering a unique experience each time.
  • Improved Conversion Rates: Use randomization to encourage users to complete your forms and submit their information.
  • Personalization: Tailor the form experience for each user based on their input and preferences.
  • Fun and Excitement: Add a touch of fun and excitement to your forms, making them more enjoyable for users.

Additional Considerations

  • Accessibility: Ensure that randomization does not hinder accessibility for users with disabilities. Consider alternative ways to provide a similar experience for users who may be sensitive to randomization.
  • Testing: Thoroughly test your forms with randomization to ensure they function as intended and provide a positive user experience.
  • User Preferences: Consider providing users with the option to disable randomization if they prefer a more predictable experience.


Gravity Perks Randomizer is a powerful tool for adding an element of chance and excitement to your Gravity Forms. By randomizing fields, choices, or form order, you can create more engaging and interactive forms that keep users interested and coming back for more. Whether you’re looking to improve user experience, increase conversions, or simply add a touch of fun to your forms, Gravity Perks Randomizer is a valuable addition to your WordPress toolkit.

Gravity Perks Randomizer free download